About Us
Atalaia Films
. 2011
ATALAIA FILMS was founded in February 2011 by Emerson Pinheiro with the intention of making films based on true stories, fiction films, documentaries and music videos.
Is a young Production Studio based in London England, that have been produced so far 7 Shorts, 3 Documentaries, 1 Feature Film and 3 Music Videos.
Spiritual Contact was our 1st Feature Film made with micro budget of £6.000.00. The development started in August 2008 and the final editing finish in 2013.
. 2013 - 2015
2013 was an amazing year where we could release our 1st feature also shot lots of short films and music videos too. On January 2013, Spiritual Contact was screening for the 1st time in Phoenix Cinema in East Finchley, London N2 9PJ. On September our feature was screening at Portobello Film Festival in London. After that our projects have been screening in several film festivals around the globe.
. 2016 - 2018
Since 2016 we start to work with International Projects. Two Documentaries about Brazilian Martial Art has been made abroad, one in Alicante - Spain on August 2016, Santa Marta - Colombia and Cheltenham England 2018.
. 2019
We make 2 Music Videos in Brazil.
New International Documentary is in production.
Following us on:
Facebook: CLICK HERE
Instagram : CLICK HERE

The Team
The People of Atalaia Films
Emerson Pinheiro
EMERSON PINHEIRO started drama school at the age of 10.
On 2004 he moved to London England and in early 2007 Emerson was involved in a game show called 'Strangers' produced by BBC Manchester and at the same year he been involved too in intensive acting course in Central London.
From 2008, Emerson decided to study cinema and he start to write his own projects.
His 1st script was a supernatural film "Spiritual Contact the Movie", a movie based on his own paranormal experiences that happened to him at age of 11. Emerson's words "13 months was the time that the script took to write. Remembering all those paranormal events that were part of my life was a fantastic experience. Details that only acquired depth after writing. Two entirely different worlds (physical and spiritual) that met had the overwhelming power of completely changing my life. Believe it or not, the Spiritual World is real."
2011 he founded Atalaia Films, also in the same year he start to work in the film industry in front and behind the camera.
Emerson became an International Filmmaker. He make films and documentaries in England, Spain, Colombia and Brazil .
Following us on:
Instagram: @atalaiafilmsuk